14 March 2011

A Horse is Not a Home

A. put in her two weeks today.
To say I am bummed, is putting it lightly.
Who is A.? An awesome, awesome gal. She works hard, laughs a lot, enjoys making funny faces with me, listens to sick music, does weird dance moves with her spidery arms and legs and puts up with the stupid afternoon boys.

The Triumvirate of Cuda (Jake, Michelle and I) have three interviews tomorrow. We're looking for someone that comes endowed with experience in the coffee biz already so that we can hopefully cut down on the extensive training period by any fraction we can. There were already plans to hire someone else, but with this new development, it's even more important we find someone exceptional.

As it is, maybe half of our current staff is actually trained to make drinks/work bar which makes it rough when 4/5 of us want Sundays off to go to church.
It's just madness--sheer madness.
Ok, not really, but it would be nice to have a reprieve. And after spending hours training A. to fill position, it totally whomps that she's leaving. But again, not her fault and she will be missed more than she knows.

So back to the drawing board and back to the grindstone. Whistling all the way.


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