08 September 2009

Take a Breath/Take a Breath/With Me/Blow by Blow

I don't really have anything to say tonight.
Ok, that's kinda a lie. I'm sure I could go on about my life and the random details and adventures which occur within it. But I don't know that I will.

Menial details (I suppose I can at least get away with these):
Finally went to Canada this past weekend. It was good, I had a fun time with Jeremy, Kyle and Maribeth. However, if you happen to go up en-route of Metaline Falls (which is the border entrance closest to Idaho), make sure to get there before midnight, otherwise you will be forced to retreat down the hill and attempt to find a camping spot. There are some interesting ones to be had...indeed.

School is boring. I can't wait to be done. Although I do enjoy my "History of Imperial Russia" Prof. She is a bizarre--in a good way.

Work is good. I can make a pretty amazing latte now, though the designs still turn out as deformed hearts or nonsensical swirls. I found out today that the bosses are also letting Nicci go, which I find to be unfortunate. She is, without a doubt, the hardest worker there and I'm sad to see her go. At first I was really intimidated to work with her, but as the past few months passed and I gave her a few rides home, I really started to enjoy her personality and strength. I could totally think of somebody else I'd rather have them fire (two actually), but I'm not the boss and I'm glad I'm not.

And so that brings me to church...yeah.
APNC -> still searching
Refinery -> starts next week
Youth Worship Band -> oh crap, I need to start that again soon, don't I?!
Albania/Deputation -> 6 hours of sharing and debrief this Sunday (can't it just end already? for once I'm glad I have an APNC meeting that afternoon).
There's probably other stuff, but oh well.
Mostly I just miss the kids and want all the meetings to go away so we can finally get started and get back to being with them.

That's all I'm putting out there for now.

Have a refulgent evening my friends/blog stalkers,



molls said...

did you all get TRASHED in canada?? :P I really really hope so.
also hope that you didn't end up paying for it all.
also hope that there's a non-coffee drink that you can put a deformed heart on for me when I come visit you at Barracuda's.
which is going to happen soon.

Sarah said...

you are the poster child of involvement in a church.
makes me feel like a failure.
help me out here. don't be on another committee.

i like you. i want to come visit. think jake and michelle will hire me?

KL said...

I would LOVE to pour you a deformed heart drink! It would bring such joy into my own deformed heart.

Just so you know, Sarah, I turned down being on another committee. There is no way I could or would do any more committees. Church politics suck. I would so much rather just spend the meeting times with the youth!
We ARE hiring at Barracuda. And I think after the stellar letter or recommendation I write for you graces Jake's desk, he would have no choice but to hire you on the spot. You could stay in Faye's spare room and be in me and Michelle's small group. It'll be awesome. I already have your whole Richland existence all planned out for you. :)